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About Me

Digital Marketer, dogged optimist, and family guy (and like Peter Griffin, I love beer, off color humor, and lived in Rhode Island for 4 years).

A New Yorker born and raised, I’m now in Austin, Texas but still maintain the fast-talking spirit, love of hip hop and basketball that comes with being a NYC kid in the 90s.

Heyo, I’m Gen…

In March, 2019 I left a great job as VP of Marketing at an awesome company to launch Retainable: a predictive churn analytics company to help subscription businesses reduce their churn.

I had an idea, and some big goals. I also have a 3 year old daughter, a need for work/life balance, and goal to travel and work remotely for 3 months a year. I don’t think that I can find a “normal” job again. It is an interesting place to be, where I think there are a lot of us, so I am sharing the journey to help others learn from my mistakes and see how things unfold as a bootstrapping non-technical founder of a software company.

Location-independence is a major priority in this endeavor: the ability to work from anywhere in the world (with a wifi connection). We’ve been to some pretty amazing places as a family (Maui, Barcelona, Stockholm, Budapest, Puerto Vallarta and more in 2017), and aim to keep international travel as a regular part of our year. 

My Skills

Digital marketing is my jam: driving high volumes of qualified and relevant traffic to a website. Whether via content, video, SEO, paid marketing, email or more, I believe that there’s nothing more important than helping others achieve their own goals online. 
I just started a software company. 

Here are some of my experiences. 

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