by gen furukawa | Jul 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
There are some lessons in life that just have to be learned the hard way. Don’t ever touch a stove to test if it is actually hot. Try once, you’ll learn forever. Proceed with caution if you get your drink from a huge orange jug that has a skull and bones drawn on...
by gen furukawa | Jun 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
Who doesn’t love some good life lessons told through the lens of sports? Sure, there are movies that manufacture these lessons… The power of imagination in Field of Dreams. Grit and perseverance with Rocky (and Creed). The underdog story in Rudy. But things are just...
by gen furukawa | May 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
Development continues with Retainable, but as I was anticipating, I only wish that it could move along faster, with fewer technical challenges. But that’s not a part of this start up thing, as I knew going in…. But we have hit a few small unforeeseen speed bumps that...
by Gen Furukawa | May 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
If you want to build a software company, as a non-technical person, you come to a fork in the road very early in your journey to building a software company: how are you going to actually build the product? Each path has pros and cons, and heralded success stories on...
by Gen Furukawa | Apr 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
OK, so this is my first post of the blog: it should probably be a summary of what might be to come here, and how did I even get to this point…. It is not my natural inclination to be open and vocal about these things. “Class Partiipation” has been below average for my...
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